April Favorites

April Favorites

Hi all! I hope you have been enjoying an excellent spring. Let’s dive right into my April favorites.

  1. Plants: As of late, I’ve been very interested in propagating plants, growing seeds, purchasing new house plants, and researching other plants / how to better care for the ones I currently own! I’m not someone who naturally has a green thumb. But I’m trying my best to learn and develop the skills I need. So far, I’ve learned that propagating lilac branches in water is not effective at all; they quickly begin to get icky and droop. (If anyone has any tips on how to successfully propagate branches in water, please fill me in). However, the propagated branches in soil have had a higher success rate. I’ve also started growing seeds in an empty egg carton. I’ve also planted two seeds in actual eggshells. The seedlings have all mostly sprouted and I’m excited to see them grow even more!
  2. Bible Journals: This is actually something I don’t have quite yet. But I recently saw very cool Bible journals at a bookstore. Each journal is labelled as a different book of the Bible, with scripture on one side and lines to journal on the other. I believe the back of the journal mentioned it was created by Crossway, in case anyone wants to check this out. I’m thinking about starting either with Proverbs or Hebrews. I also thought they would be a great gift for someone!
  3. Baking: I have been baking a lot recently. I honestly love baking more than eating sweets. (I prefer savory foods). But a lot of family has been around lately, so dessert going to waste has not been a problem. Yes, baking (especially from scratch) is extremely time consuming. However, I’ve learned it can be calming, fun, creative, satisfying, and it’s just a solid skill to have! Find a recipe and go for it.
  4. Donating Your Things: Spring is the season for cleaning! Even though it may seem like a huge drag to clean / get rid of things, it’s insanely freeing. I feel like I’m constantly surrounded by clutter. One day, I just spent the remainder of free time I had to clean and get rid of junk that I never use. It felt great to make a donation, but even greater when I had less clutter and more airy space.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this list. Enjoy the rest of this month. Let me know in the comments if you currently love something on this list or are inspired to try it out!