August Favorites

August Favorites

I am back and just in time to share some August favorites!

  1. Bodysuits: Okay, ladies. I was super weirded out by bodysuits at first. But after wearing one, they are simply the best! I love wearing high waisted jeans or patterned dress pants with a bodysuit. Instead of trying to keep a shirt neatly tucked in all day, you can throw on a bodysuit and have it fall perfectly every minute of the day.
  2. Target Notebooks / Journals: I am a giant fan of the journal notebooks that can be found in the stationary aisle at Target. More specifically, I always buy the Greenroom brand. I typically buy the non-spiral notebooks. They lay flat, super cheap, and they’re great quality. I highly recommend you check those out if you go through journals super quickly like me!
  3. Hawaiian Sweet Rolls: Please don’t judge me. But lately, I’ve been making turkey and asiago cheese on King’s Hawaiian Sweet Rolls. They’re probably terrible for you, but it tastes oh so good. You can literally find them at Walmart or any grocery store. It’s such an easy little snack or lunch!
  4. Telling people “hello”: I have been working in a very people-oriented job for the past few months. I’m definitely not a people person whatsoever, but I have begun initiating conversation. I am now the first person to say hello and to ask how someone’s day is. It’s amazing how much this opens up.